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Dr. Rose Synopsis by Avishek Chand

Taken by Avishek Chand

On October 16, 2018 we had special guest speaker, Dr. Rose of University California Davis, speak to Dr. Olabi’s and Dr.Keane’s Biology class. Dr. Rose’s presentation was on Immunology and how the Immune System functions and reacts to daily activities. In the Lecture that Dr. Rose prepared for us, we covered many concepts including; the formation of immune cells, as well cellular response, and how other systems respond and correspond with the immune system to maintain homeostasis. Another key concept we learned from Dr. Rose was the formation of infection. I found this be fascinating because infections can start due to the smallest things, and we face near death experiences every day, but our immune system protects us. I do hope to see Dr. Rose again, as I really enjoyed her presentation and take on the Immune System.


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