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Recess at CHS by Anhtho Tong

When we’re juggling with our busy lives inside and outside of school, it sometimes may be hard for us to find the time to work out and/or take the time to get outside and enjoy some fresh air. However, us freshmen in the Tuesday/Thursday sections of BIOL110 lecture and CHEM110 lecture manage to make the most of our 45-minute breaks in between classes by creating our own version of recess at CHS. We often set up a variety of activities and sports, including basketball, football, volleyball, and even spikeball, to get us outdoors and active as a way to not only relieve stress but to also have fun together as a group. In fact, the first day this “recess” began, a few of us took a step back and smiled with joy and nostalgia as we looked at the different stations of sports that were going on and simultaneously realized that we were able to bring back one of the most fun times of our childhoods.

Sareen Bains shooting a basket at the basketball court. -Photos captured by Soham Kondle

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